Prototype White 3-pack (Luke, Liea & R2)

    This is a production test for the packaging of an ESB 3-pack from the early 1980's. Only about 8 white 3-packs are in existance. All of the prototype 3-packs came from the same dealer. The dealer got a these and other prototypes from Kenner in the early '90's. In addition to the 8 white 3-packs he also had about 100 revenge proof cards.
    There are 4 versions of the white 3-pack out there. The are 2 examples of each version. The 4 versions are ESB Hoth Heroes, ESB Imperial Forces, ESB Bespin, and the 4th escapes me.

Collection of: Mac Bickmore
Paragraph: Mac Bickmore
Scan: Alex Bickmore

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